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Incoming Transfer Price $35.00

Multiple Firearms from the same dealer at the same time $10 additional each.

We offer firearm transfers; however, we ask that you check our prices first, perhaps we can offer you the same or better deal in most cases.

There is a $35.00 fee for transfer-in items, and $125 fee for most Class III items ($175 for Full Auto).

Once your gun or item arrives to our store you will need to fill out all necessary paperwork required for the processing of your transfer.

Please bring a valid state identification with photo, such as a drivers license or state ID card.

To begin the process, please contact us with the email address, business name, address, telephone number and or fax number from which the firearm will be shipped /or to which the firearm will be shipped, the firearm make and model.

Yes, we do Class III transfers, however with our inventory and pricing please be sure to purchase with us for an easier and faster acquisition.

For Class III items please contact us for more details since these can be handled in multiple ways and we will explain them if you are not already aware.

We want to make your transfers easy so if you have any questions please contact us and we will be happy to walk you through the process.

Our Federal Firearms License is temporarily at this time under the name "The Enthusiast of Ohio LLC"

If you are using an online locator, be sure to feel safe that the listing as Enthusiast of Ohio is us and proceed with your transaction.

At this time we are in the process of filing for our  Manufacturing License and once that has been approved you will then see all listings permanently as Cleveland Armory.

Outgoing Transfers

Outgoing Transfers Starting at $40

Hand Guns $40, Long Guns $50, Price includes standard shipping, Packing cost and insurance may be additional.

We Buy and Sell on the most popular Auction Site.

We sell on the most locally popular Auction Site.